Monday, 3 November 2014

EveryDay Blessings Post 1

[ photoshoot sessions ]
[ stormy weather ] 
[ new clothing sent through the mail by a friend ] 
[ fuzzy socks ] 
[ a faithful and merciful God ] 
[ bowls of cereal for dinner ] 
[ late night phone calls with your best friend ] 
[ jogging in the pouring rain ] 
[ a new birth ] 
[ movie nights with your family ] 
[ receiving your work check ] 
[ tasting new recipies and actually liking them ] 
[ aroma of coffee ] 
[ fall fashion ] 
[ sore feeling after a workout ] 

How has your October been? I cannot believe it's already November and it feels like 2014 has just started...

                                                                   Gabriola Island 

A huge thank you to Britt for her amazing work on my blog. Leave a comment in my NEW guestbook, follow her and my blog and have a very Happy Fall!  :) 


  1. Aww, thanks Sarah, you are sooo sweet!!! I enjoyed doing it for you!!

  2. Awesome post, Sarah! Keep up the amazing job on your blog. <333


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